To my many and various faithful followers:
I apologize for being on a post hiatus this week. My explanation is brief...and still full of book suggestions (so I didn't totally abandon your learning process!).
Factor #1 -- I have been fighting tooth and nail not to get sick since Sunday night.
Factor #2 -- It's The Hunger Games's fault! I started the first one on Tuesday and finished it in a day. For the second book, I pulled a Harry Potter performance and stayed up until 2:30am reading it last night when I had to be up at 5:45am.
So, receive this humble apology for my wanton neglect. I haven't already lost interest in blogging. :) In fact, I have still be thinking and mulling over my next post during this week. Be prepared for a good one next week.
Your patience is very much appreciated. (I sound like a stewardess. Yes, your chair CAN turn into a floatation device.)
I roomate, I meant to talk to you about the Hunger Games and see if you had read them yet, thought after HP they might be up your alley :) Have you read the Dragon Tattoo series, also great! BTW I'm following your blog :)